Friday 11 November 2011

Print research: Conclusion

Through the analysis of these two digipacks and 2 magazine adverts I have come to the conclusion, that to have a successful outcome in the next task and the creation of my own digipack & advert I will need to include a mix of entropic and redundant imagery. However if the images are highly entropic others must be highly redundant as if the balance isn't right then the images can become very confusing and not make any sense. The entrophy is needed to make the image interesting to look at, no matter what levels of it they use entrophy has been used in both digipacks and adverts and I have found the ones with more entropic imagery are the most successful.
                 When working on my own digipack and advert a theme must be kept throughout. This should include colours, lighting, props, locations, people, text size and font. All research I have done would tell me it is crutial to include all of this if I want my final outcome to be a success.Without this the digipack will have no clear meaning. It will appear messy, unfinished and unprofessional.

Print research: Magazine Adverts

                ( Noah And The Whale: Last Night On Earth)


This advert was placed in 'Q magazine' as the band are in the indie genre the image appears to be done a a low budget. It is a picture of the band with a blend into a picture of a street. Nothing out of the ordinary is with the street, Its just a simple English street with nothing fancy. Keeping with the theme of being an authentic inidie band. Although the group are an Indie band and have a lower budget for advertisement they have managed to have a full page in the magazine. The major reason for this being they are one of the leading indie bands and 'Q magazine' regularly promote bands such as these.
    The advert contains an image of the band as described above, with the title of the band, the title of the album. Which is obviously needed to inform the customer of what the product actually is. It has a release date and the headlining single. The record company logo and a quotation of some positive feedback given by the publisher of the magazine. This is done to encourage the customer to want to buy the album.

                      ( Mr. Hudson: Straight No Chaser )

The advert used for Mr. Hudson's album differs to Noah And The Wales. This one appears to be done on a higher budget, it seems less authentic classic indie and a much more mainstream artist who's values to the genre name 'Indie' is in small supply. However it is still clear to the audience though as to which genre this artist belongs to due to his image and costume. this advert is a very successful one. It is set on a very minimalistic white background, it has a sans bold black text for the artist and album name. The image on the advert is of the artist, there are several photos and as the pictures head back from the front picture they get fainter. The advert features a majority of the things a normal advert would, It has the artist and album name, a picture of the artist, the artist label, an album release date and a list of the top tracks featuring on the album. It would appear totally normal to a traditional advert except this one hasn't got a review. 


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Print research: Digipacks

                                     Good Charlotte: Good Morning Revival ( Digipack Analysis)

This digipack appears to be very inviting. It keeps a similar theme throughout. This includes font type, colours and the graphic aspects. It is done to a high standard and the images are of excellent quality.
    The shot type used on the front cover of 'Good Charlotte's, Good Morning Revival' Album is a long shot which includes all of the band in the distance playing. It is set on a very minimal white background. It is done this way to draw attention to the orange text ,crosses and the band wearing all black. The simple aspects of the background actually connotes that the band are all about the music. They don't need the over the top effects to get attention. Their music what there about, a real group and don't want all the superficial stuff.
The back cover features everything a normal back cover of an album has. It has Track listing, 
year of release, the distributor, warning on copyright, the record label, the producer, band manager, the bands official website and barcode. It is set on a dark grey pavement looking background with the orange cross faintly. It has a white text with all the information on, in a small sans serif text. There are black and white pictures of the band which appear to be stuck to the picture with tape. This works well and is a really authentic look, which fits in well with the genre.

This is the actual disk for the bands album. Again this is a white background with the orange text and and crosses. White writing on the orange cross, background and it also has the bands logo in very light grey. This digipack is very successful as it can easily be related to the genre it belongs to, although plain it draws you in, it is very clean, well presented and manages to maintain the same theme all the way through.

The Killers: Sam's Town (Digipack Analysis)

This digipack manages to keep the same theme throughout. It is a black and white colour design, with the killers band logo in black and the album name 'sam's town' in serif red text. This digipack differs to the last as it has images that are entropic. One being the 'Goat' and the 'Woman in a bikini' what makes it entropic is the fact they would not normally be seen in this environment and especially wouldn't be seen together or by a caravan. Also The pictures taken do not have the main parts of the image in a central position as it looks better on camera.

The back cover has a picture of the band a very redundant image, again in black and white it has the track numbers in red and the track names in capital serif text in white. This image appears to be in the same location again with the caravan in the background. Like the last digipack It has Track listing, year of release, the distributor, warning on copyright, the record label, the producer, band manager, the bands official website and barcode.

With the design on the CD they have continued the entropic imagery with a graphical design of the mountain goats head and what appears to be a human torso. Making the image a lot more interesting to view, but in this case also adds a level of confusion. Again the image is in black and white. This digipack manages to keep a similar theme again, with a colour scheme throughout and a good mix of redundant and entropic imagery to create an interesting and different but understandable theme.

Friday 4 November 2011

The Pitch

The feedback that came from our pitch was fairly mixed. One comment that seemed to come up repeatedly was "how we would make our video original"? As our video is from the indie genre and is about 'Love' it is difficult to find a way of creating something completely new and original as it has pretty much all been done before. So we took aspects from already made, well known music videos and decided to merge certain parts together and through the mix actually create something new and original.
  Another negative point that seemed to appear a few times was as the location was on the Malvern hills, "just how we would get there" and "how would we get the equipment there safely"?  However transportation is not an issue. My group partner and male actor 'Jake' are both able to drive meaning it would be a short car journey to Malvern, park as close to the hills as possible and walk with the equipment to the top. We were also asked "what would we do about the weather"? Considering we are filming in the middle of January this is a valid point. Although we cannot control what the weather does, we can prepare for the worst and just hope the weather hold out for us. We have decided we will check the forecast on the days prior to filming and pick the best day possible for filming. We have also selected an actor and actress who we can get full co-operation from will be reliable and willing to go out in poor weather.