Friday 11 November 2011

Print research: Conclusion

Through the analysis of these two digipacks and 2 magazine adverts I have come to the conclusion, that to have a successful outcome in the next task and the creation of my own digipack & advert I will need to include a mix of entropic and redundant imagery. However if the images are highly entropic others must be highly redundant as if the balance isn't right then the images can become very confusing and not make any sense. The entrophy is needed to make the image interesting to look at, no matter what levels of it they use entrophy has been used in both digipacks and adverts and I have found the ones with more entropic imagery are the most successful.
                 When working on my own digipack and advert a theme must be kept throughout. This should include colours, lighting, props, locations, people, text size and font. All research I have done would tell me it is crutial to include all of this if I want my final outcome to be a success.Without this the digipack will have no clear meaning. It will appear messy, unfinished and unprofessional.

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