Wednesday 9 November 2011

Print research: Digipacks

                                     Good Charlotte: Good Morning Revival ( Digipack Analysis)

This digipack appears to be very inviting. It keeps a similar theme throughout. This includes font type, colours and the graphic aspects. It is done to a high standard and the images are of excellent quality.
    The shot type used on the front cover of 'Good Charlotte's, Good Morning Revival' Album is a long shot which includes all of the band in the distance playing. It is set on a very minimal white background. It is done this way to draw attention to the orange text ,crosses and the band wearing all black. The simple aspects of the background actually connotes that the band are all about the music. They don't need the over the top effects to get attention. Their music what there about, a real group and don't want all the superficial stuff.
The back cover features everything a normal back cover of an album has. It has Track listing, 
year of release, the distributor, warning on copyright, the record label, the producer, band manager, the bands official website and barcode. It is set on a dark grey pavement looking background with the orange cross faintly. It has a white text with all the information on, in a small sans serif text. There are black and white pictures of the band which appear to be stuck to the picture with tape. This works well and is a really authentic look, which fits in well with the genre.

This is the actual disk for the bands album. Again this is a white background with the orange text and and crosses. White writing on the orange cross, background and it also has the bands logo in very light grey. This digipack is very successful as it can easily be related to the genre it belongs to, although plain it draws you in, it is very clean, well presented and manages to maintain the same theme all the way through.

The Killers: Sam's Town (Digipack Analysis)

This digipack manages to keep the same theme throughout. It is a black and white colour design, with the killers band logo in black and the album name 'sam's town' in serif red text. This digipack differs to the last as it has images that are entropic. One being the 'Goat' and the 'Woman in a bikini' what makes it entropic is the fact they would not normally be seen in this environment and especially wouldn't be seen together or by a caravan. Also The pictures taken do not have the main parts of the image in a central position as it looks better on camera.

The back cover has a picture of the band a very redundant image, again in black and white it has the track numbers in red and the track names in capital serif text in white. This image appears to be in the same location again with the caravan in the background. Like the last digipack It has Track listing, year of release, the distributor, warning on copyright, the record label, the producer, band manager, the bands official website and barcode.

With the design on the CD they have continued the entropic imagery with a graphical design of the mountain goats head and what appears to be a human torso. Making the image a lot more interesting to view, but in this case also adds a level of confusion. Again the image is in black and white. This digipack manages to keep a similar theme again, with a colour scheme throughout and a good mix of redundant and entropic imagery to create an interesting and different but understandable theme.

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