Friday 4 November 2011

The Pitch

The feedback that came from our pitch was fairly mixed. One comment that seemed to come up repeatedly was "how we would make our video original"? As our video is from the indie genre and is about 'Love' it is difficult to find a way of creating something completely new and original as it has pretty much all been done before. So we took aspects from already made, well known music videos and decided to merge certain parts together and through the mix actually create something new and original.
  Another negative point that seemed to appear a few times was as the location was on the Malvern hills, "just how we would get there" and "how would we get the equipment there safely"?  However transportation is not an issue. My group partner and male actor 'Jake' are both able to drive meaning it would be a short car journey to Malvern, park as close to the hills as possible and walk with the equipment to the top. We were also asked "what would we do about the weather"? Considering we are filming in the middle of January this is a valid point. Although we cannot control what the weather does, we can prepare for the worst and just hope the weather hold out for us. We have decided we will check the forecast on the days prior to filming and pick the best day possible for filming. We have also selected an actor and actress who we can get full co-operation from will be reliable and willing to go out in poor weather.

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