Friday 16 December 2011

Animatic Storyboard

Planning - Location

 This is the bedroom we will be filming in.
This is the photography studio we will be using to film Jake pulling the tape out of the cassett.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Planning - Risk Assessment

Planning - Shot list

Planning: Target audience

As we know, our video will be able to have the best outcome if we regularly take into consideration views and opinions from our target audience. We set  up a focus group on Facebook where we could regularly post updates and receive feedback here's an example from our Facebook focus group on the feedback of my digipak and advert 
The feedback my digipak and advert received was positive and meant that there was nothing that needed changing. As the images are small and the feedback is hard to read I have enlarged it

Emma Parker Reallt like the idea behind this shoot. I like the metaphore of being tied up in the music.

Laura Court-Jones The idea for this is genuis, i like there is a running theme of the tape film on all of the pictures, it gives is a professional feel. The text font and colour matches the photos and doesn't distract from the pictures but is viable.

Laura Court-Jones Simple effective but bold, love it.

Emma Parker Great layout of information, very striking image.

Friday 9 December 2011

Test shoot

This was a test shot. We took the short clip as a practice for the transition shot we will be making for Jake to go from his room to the Malvern Hills. This shot only took about 20minutes to film and put together so it was very simple yet very successful as I think you would agree? However there where a couple of issues that came up which from the practice we now know not to make the same mistake in the actually filming of our music video. The issues we found was that originally Kate was filming me, however she wasn't tall enough and  when doing the whip pan kept loosing my face out the shot so we know in our actually filming someone taller will need to do the filming of this shot. The other problem was that after we swapped and I was filming Kate. I went counter clockwise in the inside shot and clockwise on the outside shot which didn't make the transition as clear as it should have been.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Planning - Costumes and Props


Jake will be playing a guitar throughout our video, the person in charge 
of getting this prop will be me, I am borrowing this off my Dad. There will be no cost.

Jake will be dressed in slim fit jeans, a white t-shirt, and a coloured hoodie with plain pump style shoes. This is similar to the outfit he wore for both of our digipak's and advert and therefore keeps the recurring theme. As Jake has all of this items in his wardrobe, there will be no cost. I am in charge of making sure Jake is wearing this on the day.


Amy does not feature in the video as much as Jake, but she still needs to look inkeeping with the indie genre. She will wear patterned leggings, a black baggy top, black boots and a green parka coat, she already has all of this items in her wardrobe so there will be no cost. I will be in charge of making sure Amy knows exactly what she has to wear.


Wednesday 7 December 2011

Performer and Casting

We need to characters to be the main features in our video. A boy who will be the main role with the singing part and a girl who will be the girl who he's singing about.

                                            The Main Actor: Jake Glass
                                           The Main Actress: Amy Ledgerwood

We know that these two people will be reliable. As Jake is featuring in my video I am featuring in his. This means we both have to be reliable and stick to times and dates if we want both of our video's shot when is planned. Also Jake has featured in both mine and Kate's digipacks and has never been late or unreliable as far.