Wednesday 14 December 2011

Planning: Target audience

As we know, our video will be able to have the best outcome if we regularly take into consideration views and opinions from our target audience. We set  up a focus group on Facebook where we could regularly post updates and receive feedback here's an example from our Facebook focus group on the feedback of my digipak and advert 
The feedback my digipak and advert received was positive and meant that there was nothing that needed changing. As the images are small and the feedback is hard to read I have enlarged it

Emma Parker Reallt like the idea behind this shoot. I like the metaphore of being tied up in the music.

Laura Court-Jones The idea for this is genuis, i like there is a running theme of the tape film on all of the pictures, it gives is a professional feel. The text font and colour matches the photos and doesn't distract from the pictures but is viable.

Laura Court-Jones Simple effective but bold, love it.

Emma Parker Great layout of information, very striking image.

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