Friday 9 December 2011

Test shoot

This was a test shot. We took the short clip as a practice for the transition shot we will be making for Jake to go from his room to the Malvern Hills. This shot only took about 20minutes to film and put together so it was very simple yet very successful as I think you would agree? However there where a couple of issues that came up which from the practice we now know not to make the same mistake in the actually filming of our music video. The issues we found was that originally Kate was filming me, however she wasn't tall enough and  when doing the whip pan kept loosing my face out the shot so we know in our actually filming someone taller will need to do the filming of this shot. The other problem was that after we swapped and I was filming Kate. I went counter clockwise in the inside shot and clockwise on the outside shot which didn't make the transition as clear as it should have been.

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