Tuesday 25 October 2011


Creativity is is the thoughts or outcome of an origional idea that has value.Have the ability to say what you think and take risks without the fear of being wrong. Ken Robinson believes that creativity is being squeezed out of us during our time in education. He states when we are younger we are more likely to take a risk in life
eithought fear of being incorrect. "If kids dont know they will have a go, they are not frightrned of being wrong" Tought to comform in a way that means if they believe they know the answer to a question raise their hsnd and answer. However such a young person in vunerable in situations like this and if the answer is incorrect and as a result will not contribute in future and begin to stop thinking creativily in fear of being 'wrong'.
        To be able to be more createful, we need to loose this fear of being incorrect. Risks must be taken and we must act upon our thoughts spontaineously. Only when we prepare to be wrong will we come out with something right, a new origional idea. It is said there are three ways to improve and maintain creative thoughts. These being sleep, exercise and continuing eduction. Sleep is needed as allows you to access, maintain and retrieve more information from your head when your are not tired. This helps as the more information you have access to the more likely you are to mix multiple thoughts together to find something new. Exercise helps as it is said for up to around an hour after exercise things are released into the body, and the things released actually allow you to think more creativily. Continuing education is needed because in further education you learn new skills, use different equiptment and experiment with different sources of information. This helps as you could mix multiple thoughts together, this could be a simple thought or action learnt in primary school education with something learnt in higher education e.g make potato shapes, paint them but make a story with the prints and upload them to premier and turn it into a short movie clip rather than just a picture.
         We are not creative by choice. It is believe it is something you are born with. Just as others have the ability to be academically smart or a natural ability to be good at sport. However this is not to say the most creative people were always that way. This skill to be creative could be chanelled through the options made in education, or the hobbies you choose to pick up. You can practice the skill to be creative and actually improve on it.
         In the AS and A2 course of media it would be a challenge to study these subjects without being createful. It has a huge influence on the work e.g the music videos, without creativity they would be very basic, have the most simple shots, wouldnt be enjoyable to watch and would actually be very boring. This is why the creativity task was set. To make us think about what we are doing a bit more, try and unlock the talent. We want to harnice this skill and use it to its full effect to come up with an exciting, enjoyable and original video.

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