Tuesday 25 October 2011

Creativity Skills Learning

Over the creativity week as a class we were asked to use methods like drawing and making things out of play-doh to show synasthesia to sevel music tracks. It was not necassarily to match i,ages to the lyrics but to match to the music itself and the sounds of the instruments to give them a whole new meaning. The point of the task was to create some new ideas, something different. not the same generic music video to match the majority in the same genr of music playing.
     Individually in our groups a task was set, for us to come up with some 'Creative' ideas maybe to be used for our own music video. Me and my partner had decided to experiment with stop motion. We took approximately 60 shots of the construction of a pencil house, then a short story of two lovers which where also made using pencil. Once each individual shot had been taken we uploaded them to the computer. As the task was to be creative we chose instead of putting the shots into premier and putting them together electronically to make a short video we would place all the shots into photoshop, make each shot the same size with a small black frame, print them off, cut them out and then staple together in order to make a flick book.



I found this exercise very worth while as it allowed me to think more open minded about the origionality of the video im going to mske. I also found that creativity is something that can just happen in an instant. I believe iif you try to hard too think of something new and different it will be almost impossible, however if you actually turn of from the thought process it will just come to you and it is best to bullet point options/idea or jot them as notes, in a pad, or phone. Write the ideas whilst there still fresh as they dont stay in your mind for long.

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