Thursday 13 October 2011


Involved in the filming of the video there was approximately 10 of us. This meant there was alot of thoughts and opinions on what would give the best outcome. Although this is different to how our final A2 video will be recorded, as there will only be two to a group. It was good practice to listen and take in the different views of a lot of other people who you probably would not interact with and manage to work together as a team.
The shooting of our video went very smoothly taking around a lesson and half (2hours) to do all the filming. I believe it ran so well as the shotlist helped the people in control of the camera to get each shot filmed as quickly and time efficiently as possible and the storyboard helped the actors/actresses know exactly what they where ment to be doing meaning there was no delay to the filming.
As there was a large number of actors/actresses in the real video and we had not planned to get any outside people in the plays the minor roles we made a deal that when there was a shot featuring a large group of people in at one time we would be in their video at that shot aslong as they where in ours. This can be seen in the final shot with the people in the background who jump. This just means in the future when we do our video we must make sure we remember to cast everyone in advance.
No major problems occured during the filming. A couple of group members had been away the lesson prior to filming and where not informed to bring uniform however that was easily sorted on the day as they where just used in the background of shots and luckily where not ever cast as the main characters anyway. However when such a task is undertook in the future we must make sure everyone is aware of the dates of filming and everyone brings approriate clothing.

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