Thursday 13 October 2011

Music video analysis sheet. Ed sheeran A-team


There are various shot types used the video from Ed Sheeran's single A-team. Each used to create this feeling of this girl who is cast away from reality, isolated from all around her.
 This shots above are the second shot in the sequence but also the second from last. It is a high angled close up. It actually is a shot of the lead character in this video. It shows a sad emotion, it is a pull focus shot too. The pull focus is used to connote that the emotion is actually no longer significant as she has passed away.

 This shot above left is the establishing shot. From this shot the type of music video it is going to be has been set. We see this is going to be a dark and sad video this is also connoted by the dim lighting and colour design of the black and white.  It is also a close up reaction shot to the above right shot. It shows her crying. It is portraying emotion towards this person who is lay dead.
This mid shot shows a few of the mise-en-scene characteristics. We see the location which is a empty park, there is a bench and some bare tree's in the back ground. The props used would be the blanket she is holding around her and the costume used are some ragged clothes which are too big for her. This is all done to emphasise the fact she lives a fairly tramp type life and doesn't have a lot of money. This is very similar to other videos in this genre or music. Not necessarily that women are tramps but that they aren't sexualised and have more to them however the end of this video does share some of those aspects.
Throughout the video pull focus shots are used quite frequently and the three to the right are just a few examples of this. The shots are used to show she is separated from the rest of the world. Connoting that her
as a person is non significant. She is unimportant to anyone, that she is just a blurred figure in the eyes of everyone else and hardly noticeable.

                                                   The top left long shot is also a slight high angled shot. It shows the women sat outside a shop with her blanket over herself selling 'the big issue' a very stereotypical view of a tramp. The proximities of this shot every are seen in the background and very distant from her, like they don't want to go near her. Its like she is dirty, she is an infection and people want to avoid her. However this changes in the top right mid shot. You see a person actually approaching her and talking to her and buying a copy of the magazine. This shot is also a low angles shot, the person who approaches her is the singer of the song 'ed sheeran' and this is his only appearance in the video. The camera is position. Shot taken in low angle to show he is more important than all other characters except the women.  However this show his being helpful, he is the good Samaritan connoting he is above the rest of society.
This next shot is a close up. We see the women's emotion, her pain and vulnerability. She is crying, tears and make up running down her face perhaps her tears are a comparison to her life, running away from her.

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