Thursday 13 October 2011

Post Production: Digital Technology

After filming we were left with the task of transfering the clips from the cameras' SD memory card to the computor and editing each individual shot to make the video. Although this probably should have been one of the easiest parts of the whole projects we made a slight mistake and actually ended up loosing some of clips from the first day which we immediately had to re-shoot. Also we had found the shots had saved as a file type different to what we where expecting, however this was no major problem and was easily changed.
 I didnt find any initial problems when it come to the actual editing as this was all done on 'Premier Pro' a programme I was already familiar with as I had used it for work in my AS Media studies course. However this was different to the previous video I had made as the last one was the titles for a title scene to a film and did not need to necassarily be in time with the music. However this being a music video all of the shots taken of an actor/actress where they were singing had to be in sing with the mouth movements. Although I had previously done a lip sync task in preporation to this it was made harder as the previous shot was one long shot and this was lots of different shots that all had to link.

In the editing I found tools such as the speed/duration button a big help as it ment I could speed certain shots up and slow others down to make the lip sync match up. Also it helped as in the real video there is a point where a pencil is dropped from the table to the floor and obviously as you cant film in slow motion without this tool i wouldnt be able to do the shot and make it so realistic to the real video. The zoom option on the bottom bar as it meant I was able to break down the shots, analysise them,cut it down and edit them in more detail. This helped as regularly I had found myself just milliseconds off a perfect shot but without it would not be able to make the change needed.

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